Monday, July 28, 2014

Tough Girl, Tough Week

Pray without ceasing...   1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer.  When I was young, it was the standard, "Now I lay me down to sleep..." and "God is great..." As I matured, so did my prayers--yet it sometimes seemed like I was doing more asking than thanksgiving.  January changed all of that.  I ask God every day to restore Paige's health, giving her strength, peace, and comfort.  I also thank Him every day for every bit of healing we have seen on this journey.  This week has been no different--though it has shown me more and more what it means to pray without ceasing.


Hospital Stay--Day Three.  The tough stuff continues.  Her temperature seemed to be on its way back to normal, but Paige spiked a fever last night--the highest since all this began on Friday.  It was determined today that some of the medications she's been taking for pain could have masked a fever earlier in the weekend.  Cause of the fever?  An infection, though thankfully not a blood-related one.  Nevertheless, any infection is an issue for those with compromised immune systems.  The current course of antibiotics should be sufficient for recovery from this.  We will remain in the hospital until her temperature 'behaves' and her doctor feels it's safe to send her home.

The leg fracture continues to cause Paige an extreme amount of pain and today included some adjustments to her pain medication regimen.  We need her to have more mobility, but that can't happen when she's in excruciating pain putting any weight on the leg.  Paige has never been one to complain of pain, so the sheer agony I see on her face and hear in her cries is nothing less than gut-wrenching.

In addition to changing the medication plan, we have some physical therapy exercises to try.  Paige is also being fitted with a boot to see if it will offer any relief.  She's actually looking forward to this--so she can try to "bedazzle" the boot!  That's my girl!  At least she's looking for the positive things in this.

It looks like there is some degeneration in Paige's hip bones and leg bones (somewhat like osteoporosis)--effects of the steroids and presumably the cause of the fracture.  Weaker bones break easier.  Calcium and Vitamin D have been added to her daily regimen, and a bone density scan will determine additional treatments and/or medications that may be needed.

Tough stuff?  Indeed.  Tougher girl? You bet!  God is bigger and tougher than all of this, and He has delivered Paige through so much already.  I have no doubt He will keep the healing going as our friends and family continue to pray without ceasing.

1 comment:

  1. The young who experiece serious illness seem especially tough.
