* Unwavering faith in God's healing power and amazing grace.
* Indescribable peace in the face of a storm (aka leukemia).
* Unspeakable joy in learning Paige is cancer-free and in remission!
* Rejoicing in the hope of restored health for our daughter.
I have smiled so much the last 24 hours my face hurts. I feel like I have to keep catching my breath--or pinching myself--to make sure I'm not dreaming. Paige's remission is an amazing gift, one for which I give God every bit of the glory!
The journey doesn't end here, however. We have cleared the first few miles in this marathon of hope and healing--again, God gets the glory. In order to prevent cancer cells from returning and reclaiming Paige's body, several more months of intense chemotherapy are necessary. Depending on the phase and medications administered, these treatments will take the rest of her hair (yes, she's still hanging on to a few strands), lower blood counts (requiring occasional transfusions), and just plain zap my girl of her energy.

It's a long road we're facing, but we will press on and take it one mile at a time. When Paige's strength is down, mine must be multiplied. Hebrews 12:1 reminds us to "run with endurance the race that is set before us." God gave us this journey for a reason, and we intend to get to the finish line with even more faith and hope than we had at the start!
This song has really been speaking to me lately. It's all about hope, faith, and peace that passes understanding...My Hope is in You by Aaron Shust. Click on the linked song title to give it a listen--maybe it'll bring something to you as well! :)
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