Last month I wrote about the many reasons for celebrating. This month I write asking for a few extra prayers, as Paige has encountered some hurdles on this leg of our journey.
A sudden fever led to a 9-day hospital stay. Thankfully, there were no signs or symptoms of infection. We just had to let it run its course. The hospital admission did allow time for an MRI of Paige's leg, which showed weakening of the bones. Steroid therapy, while excellent for treating leukemia, can really do a number on the body. Paige will undergo a bone density scan tomorrow, after which her doctors will determine if additional medications or infusions will be added to her treatment regimen.
Finally cleared to begin the second month of this phase, Paige resumed intense chemo a few days ago. In addition to meds administered at clinic, I administered 3 days' worth at home. Paige must also take an oral chemo medication for the next 14 days. Needless to say, the girl has had her fill of meds--literally. With so much running through her system, her appetite is shot. I'm hopeful that the next few days without IV chemo will have her feeling just a little better before we repeat the cycle next week.
This has been an emotional week for my girl. Paige knows she is getting better. She knows the meds are necessary--even with all they do to wreak havoc on her body. She knows we are inching closer to that finish line. She's just tired, but she will press on, knowing there's a wonderful victory awaiting her.
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
...we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37
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