Seventeen months ago, we had a very sick girl on our hands. Four phases of intense chemo treatments slammed Paige's body in such a way that there were times she needed help simply getting up from the couch. Fast forward to this spring, when the same girl discovered she could walk the halls of her high school and even climb a flight or two of stairs without becoming completely exhausted. She was given a key to use the school's elevator as needed, yet she pushed herself to use the stairs every day--moving a bit slower than her peers, but moving nonetheless. Blessing counted.
Just over six months ago, Paige received radiation to her brain. Yes, her brain. Radiation and lumbar punctures (that replace small amounts of spinal fluid with chemo) combine to form a kind of preemptive strike against any leukemia cells that may try to sneak their way into another part of the body. Though the appointments and actual radiation doses were quick, the fatigue, headaches, and a "foggy brain" remained with Paige well beyond the two weeks of treatment. These lingering effects threw a wrench into her first few months back at school--the girl was exhausted. Did that stop this fighter from completing her freshman year with all A's--in rigorous Advanced Placement and Pre-Advanced Placement classes, no less? Not on your life! Paige rocked her state assessments and finals, finishing out the year on quite the high note. Another blessing counted.
Are there more blessings to count? Absolutely--and I thank God for them every single day. I am blessed to see healing being done in my daughter. I am blessed with an incredible family that has grown even closer through this journey. I've got to say--this is one list I don't mind getting bigger. Take a few moments to reflect upon and give thanks for the incredible life you've been given--with all its ups and downs. I suspect you'll find discover plenty of ways you yourself have been blessed!
Every good and perfect gift is from above... James 1:17
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