Camp Periwinkle. Early in the month, Paige and her brother attended a camp for the TCH oncology patients (and their siblings) funded by a generous organization that works very closely with our hospital. For an entire week, my girl got the camp experience she had been missing so much. You see, before all this leukemia mess started, she was a zip-lining, rock-wall climbing kind of girl. I'm thrilled to report she is that girl once again! Paige came home from camp with a few bruises--but they weren't due to dropping counts. Nope, these bruises were little reminders that the fearless, adventurous girl inside is slowly but surely returning!
Birthday Number 15. Paige and my husband have created a sort of tradition the last several years in the baking of her birthday cakes. From giant peace signs to 'tie-dyed' cupcakes to Minions--they have worked together to produce some pretty impressive (and tasty) creations! Last year was different. Weak and recovering from a leg fracture, Paige simply wasn't up to baking. Fast forward 12 months--and the tradition has resumed. This year's design was a simple sheet cake with a beautiful multi-colored awareness ribbon. The theme of simplicity carried over to her birthday gifts, with good reason--Paige couldn't think of anything she really wanted or needed. Her words to me: "Mom, really I'm just happy to be here. You know what I mean?" Yes, sweet girl--I really do!
Starting School with Everybody Else. Paige received homebound instruction the last half of her 8th grade year, as well as the first half of her freshman year. She did rejoin classmates last January, but it was quite overwhelming, as everyone had already been there several months. Their routines had long been established. This year, she was healthy enough to walk through those doors on day one. The afternoon of day two would have us at clinic for chemotherapy--but I'll be darned if my girl didn't come home and rest up so she could make it back to school the next day!
It's interesting how my perspective has changed since we began this journey. A few years ago I don't think I would have truly understood what it means to find the joy in each day, to cherish every moment we are given. I am thankful for the healing God is doing in Paige and for the work He is doing in me--and I want to honor those blessings every day I am given.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy... Psalm 16:11